Thursday, September 9, 2010

Has it been 6 months already

Well, got the phone call today....time to set up another MRI. I scheduled it for early next week so probably by late next week I will find out some information. Ideally, I want no growth - that would be the best scenario. Then we would take note that it is there, do a scan next year, but hopefully not have to make any big decisions for 10 years. On a side note, I have been extremely busy with work. I have been tasked to do a lot of things that all have a due date of NOW, on the other hand I love the pressure and enjoy my success. Thanks for checking in on me, once I know more, I will share.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dr., I mean Dr. Fayad

I spoke with Dr. Fayad from the internationally infamous House Ear Institute located in California, he went over my scans and test results and agreed with the watch and wait for 6 months then a follow up MRI. We talked about the tumor's location and he said it was unfortunate it appeared to be on the cochlear nerve because if it was growing in the location where 99% of them normally grow, this would be the perfect time to do surgery and I would save my hearing and i minimal negative effects. I always wanted to be unique but like they say "be careful what you wish for."

Dr. Fayad and his staff have been absolutely amazing, he is consulting on my case for FREE and even gave me his cell phone number if I have any questions. My doctor here was impressed I had him consulting on my case as well and stated there is a lot of misinformation out there but I was getting good information from him.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finally....a little relief!

So the medical bills have begun to roll in. There are seven of them totaling an amount I can't afford so I have been calling them to ask if the doctor will charge less and if not then I will be sending $20 a month. The first company said they would reduce the bill but it had to be paid in full, my response was depending on how much this may be a great deal, the representative excitedly said they could reduce it by 7%.....seriously, 7% percent! The next one said they couldn't adjust anything. The next doctor I called was my ENT that did several scans because of my symptoms but thought it was sinus infections, unfortunately the scans were very expensive and led to nothing. I called him and told him my diagnosis which he knew what an acoustic neuroma was as he had diagnosed them before then referred them to specialists. He had encouraging words and understood that my medical bills will get very expensive so he deducted ALOT from his bill and I was able to pay him in full. I have four more doctors to call, getting ahold of their billing department has almost required an act of Congress. But whatever question I don't ask, the answer will always be "No", so I will call them and hope they reduce it.

I still have the dizziness and have found some days are worse than others, but it is still managable. The ringing in my ear is sporadic and tolerable.

I have many things going on now so my time is easily occupied. I have several exciting things going on at work, not to mention the amazing people I work with. Plus, Jeff retires in September which can not come soon enough.

Thanks for listen, much love.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


To say the past week has been crazy is the understatement of the year. I have neglected the blog but I am here now, ready to post. :) Now to the part everyone has been waiting for, I got my test results on the 23rd which like my past doctor appointments, the news wasn't good nor bad, just news. I have an 18% balance impairment, once it reaches past 20% the doctors get concerned. The doctor and I discussed the results and I will wait 6 months and have an MRI. Hopefully, after the second MRI we will learn the rate of growth and more about its location. Thanks for following my blog and all your love and support!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Had my tests today....

I had an appt at 1:00 today for some tests and I would be there for 3 hours. The tests were very interesting and some I never want to do AGAIN!
1. This test I sat in a chair and watched a screen display the letter "E" in different positions then I would name the position (up, down, left, right). The first two rounds my head was still, the third and fourth rounds I had to move my head from side to side as if I was shaking my head "no", this made me really dizzy but I did well.
2. The posturography test was really weird. I stook barefoot on a platform and wore a harness that would hold me up if I fell. There was a wrap around scene around me also. This test was about 15-20 minutes, I would have my eyes open and closed at times. Sometimes the platform would move, other times the scene would move, and sometimes they both moved. I was confused sometimes and didn't know if the platform or the scene was moving. The harness and nurse had to catch me one time, other than that I stayed on the platform.
3. The rotary chair test was CRAZY! I sat in a chair in a dark room with a camera on my right eye that recorded eye movements. The chair would spin around fast and slow, and move up and down, and rock all different ways. I was completely disoriented.
4. This test was not painful but I did not like it at all. Seemed simple enough, lie down then the nurse sprayed water in my ear. Boy oh boy, was I in for a shock. I layed down, then cold water was sprayed into my ear for 30 seconds, about half way into the spray, I got VERY dizzy. Then she waited 5 mintues and cold water was sprayed into my left ear (tumor side), I did not immediatly get dizzy but eventually I did. Next warm water was sprayed into my ear, then waited then she did my left year. Using the warm water, I had similar results as with the cold. Normal results are getting dizzy about half way through the spray. After she was done, I was so dizzy I thought I was going to be sick.
5. The last test didn't require me to do much but turn my head and listen to sounds.

I get the test results tomorrow and do any follow up testing, then the doctor will make a recommendation.

I think I am going to have nightmares about water being sprayed into my ear, I still feel it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Still sick

Isabelle and I have been sick since Wednesday, I think on Friday our symptoms were the worst. Both of us are on antibiotics, Isabelle is doing better but I still feel very sick. Tomorrow I have my final exam for school, then next Wednesday I will graduate. I am getting anxious about my tests coming up on Thursday, then I will find out the results on Friday. Maybe then I will actually find out what the heck I am going to do. After thinking about my last visit with the doctor, I feel like the doctor is not taking my concerns seriously. I know that my tumor is small and most people when they are diagnosed with a tumor it is rather large, I feel like he isn't taking me seriously since mine is small. However, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, I am sure since he see's these often he is somewhat desensitized about them. Hopefully, a lot of questions will be answered this week at the doctor's office.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well, I survived the weekend....barely. Isabelle's friends and family birthday party was this weekend and I swear no matter how much I get done before hand, it is always chaotic. We had a bushel of oysters, 8.5 lbs of shrimp and hot dogs. The good thing about chaos is you tend to forget about other things aka my tumor (Lloyd) A test that was done at my last doctors appointment was where I had to march in place for 60 seconds with my eyes closed, the results I move forward slightly and to the right 45 degrees. I have asked friends and family to do the test just to see what some normal results are, and I can honestly say, I still don't know what normal results are. Maybe I don't have normal family and friends, although I didn't need a balance test to confirm that. My mom marched about 4 feet forward and to the right about 15 degrees, Jeff turned to the right slightly, and my friend Shellie... well she is always out of whack! (Love ya Shellie) Any time I have talked to someone about my tumor and described my symptoms, it seems like everyone has all my symptoms too, maybe this tumor things is an epidemic. I am kidding, my symptoms are actually pretty common individually but as a whole can be bad. I completed my last two assignments tonight for my final college class and will take my last final exam tomorrow, then I am DONE! Miami bound in 16 days! With as long as I have gone to school I should have my doctorate degree, but I am equally happy with my dual major in Business Management and Finance. Isabelle will turn 5 this Tuesday, where did my baby girl go? She is becoming quite the young lady. Today, would be the day they induced me and my 30 hours of labor started. I love you Isabelle, well worth every hour.